- 2022-11-20
- Krzysztof Karski
- 0
Agnieszka Wierzbicka
Główny specjalista, Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów
Ms. Agnieszka Wierzbicka is an expert on Cyber Security, International Relations and Media. She has worked in the Polish and German administration for more than 14 years, advising five Speakers of the Polish Parliament, the Polish and German President as well as Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs and Plenipotentiary to the Polish Government for Cyber Security. Ms. Wierzbicka used to be a National Expert delegated to European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels and her focus was on cybersecurity of the new technologies, cybercrime, cyber resilience, cybersecurity in South Korea and Africa region. Currently she is working at the European Security and Defence Colleague in a role of a Training Manager. Since 1 March 2022 she will be PL representative in ENISA.
She was involved in the implementation process of the NIS Directive in Poland and negotiation on the revision of the NIS Directive and revision of the Critical Infrastructure Directive on behalf of EEAS. She is as well a co-author of the Polish first cyber security strategy and was involved in the preparation of the second edition of the strategy. She coordinated the activity of the Polish government in cooperation with the European Cybersecurity Organization (ECSO), an organization founded on the basis of contractual public-private partnership with the European Commission. She is also an Expert of the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) instrument of the European Commission with the goal to support public administrations with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation as well as facilitating the sharing of EU best practices. She is former scholar of the U.S. Department of State program focused on cyber security.