Aneta Legenza Partner, Consulting, Cyber Security, EY Polska Aneta ma prawie 20-letnie doświadczenie zawodowe, obejmujące konsulting i zarządzanie projektami. Obecnie jest członkinią warszawskiego zespołu Banku Standard Chartered, do...
Jennifer Cox Head of Communications, Cyber Women Ireland Jennifer Cox has over 16 years of experience in tech and in the Cyber Security industry. She supports her team who...
Teresa Walsh Global Head of Intelligence, Financial Service Information Sharing and Analysis Centre, FS-ISAC Teresa Walsh leads FS-ISAC’s Global Intelligence Office (GIO) to protect the financial sector against cyber...
Magda Chelly Senior cyber security expert, Responsible Cyber Magda Lilia Chelly is a keynote speaker, a serial entrepreneur and a senior cyber security expert. She is a strong activist...